Friday, September 9, 2011

Senyati Lodge, nr Kazangula 8/9/11 (Day 4)

Our spot at Nata

Luis massaging stressed neck muscles!

Compliments of meat impounded, we had a lovely meal at the lodge under a starlit setting. Delicious meal.
I woke up around 4:15, wasn't tired so decided to test good old Orange signal. Managed to post some remarks etc on fb and generally get up to date with emails, et al.
Interesting trip travelling north to Senyati. Poor road with major (165km) detour initially but got better. Bushveld started yielding some nice sights: an abundance of yellow billed kites, martials, batteleurs, steenies, lovely sighting of tawny getting airborne just in front of us. Bigger trees including Baobabs, a few hills (thus far it has been a straight, flat road and horizon).
Senyati is lovely. Each site has it's own 'blute with kitchen and shady patio. We have a view of the waterhole. Within minutes of arriving, Spookie (Grey Headed Bush Shrike) made a guest appearance, partially posing for a few pics. "Woodbills" performing their mating ritual, yellow billed kite dive bombing one of the construction crew, piggies wallowing in the mud .... All good!

Strange wildlife sighting at waterhole
(he wouldn't have tried this an hour
later as, by then, the Ellies had arrived!)

A herd of ellies arrives to drink. Some tiny babies included. The water is not very deep (20 cm or so) and appears to get a bit brackish. The Ellie know where the source is and all crowd around the little weir, about 1m diameter.
We stopped watching to have supper, then returned to watch them from the deck. For the last 6 hours various herds and some solo boys have come and gone.

A tentative jackal cry close by followed by answering yelps all rising together in a chorus. Ah, this is bliss.
Hot water source is a donkey. Works incredibly well. Had a shower to the accompaniment of elephant growling and trumpeting joined by jackal howling.

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